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Kate Talbot

Kate Talbot

Kate Talbot is an Australian-born, New Zealand-based children’s book writer and illustrator. She began her writing career at the tender age of eight, with a reinterpretation of Little Red Riding Hood… which promptly landed her in detention for its cheeky nature. The reprimand only served to inspire a love for tongue in cheek humour, which Kate now strives to infuse in all her stories.

​Kate’s first picture book as author and illustrator, How to Draw a Dragon, will be published by Allen & Unwin in 2024. As an illustrator, she works digitally and loves to create rambunctious characters and images flooded with colour. Her debut picture book as an illustrator, Planting Friendship: Peace, Salaam, Shalom was released in 2021 by Clear Fork Press. The second and third books in the series were released in 2022 and 2023. Love Will Turn You Around from Gnome Road Press was also published in 2023.

Kate is passionate about instilling a love for stories and storytelling in little people and hopes to nurture life-long readers and artists through her quirky characters and vibrant illustrations.

How to Draw a Dragon cover